Hey Blitzers! This week on our YouTube Channel we decided to do something a little different. We decided to get back to the basics of how to play Disney Emoji Blitz, especially since we have so many new players. Even though the game has become second nature to me, every time I get a refreshed from my team I realize there’s still more to learn! We will cover some of the basics in a couple videos, so here is Part 1 starring Emoji Andy, Senior Game Designer!
Be sure to watch until the end for the chance to win a Genie Emoji in our sweeps, and subscribe to keep up with the newest updates and gameplay tips!
Disclaimer: While this content is meant for our new Blitzers, we hope the refresher is nice for our veteran players. If you have any tips or tricks to share with our beginners, please comment on our video above to share! Always nice helping out our fellow Blitzers and everyone has a unique way they love to Blitz!
What is Disney Emoji Blitz?
Disney Emoji Blitz is a mobile game where you play fast-paced rounds of puzzles to earn prizes, complete missions, and collect new Disney, Pixar and STAR WARSTM Emojis! Swipe to make matches of 3 or more Emojis to rack up points and charge special Emoji abilities. Every unique Emoji you earn unlocks new powers. Collect them all to earn higher scores, complete special story events, and level up your puzzle skills.
Your Main Goal is to Collect Emojis!
Emojis are the heart of Disney Emoji Blitz. Every Emoji has a unique ability that tells their story and affects the game in a different way! Check out your Emoji Collection to see all the different Emojis you have collected and more. You can read more about your Emoji Collection here in our previous article.
How do I know which Emoji to play with?
Different Emojis are good at different things. For example, Mickey makes Lightning Clouds, Sebastian is a score master, Scrooge McDuck is a coin king, and Elastigirl is an expert at targeting certain parts of the board. Which Emoji you should use purely depends on what you are trying to accomplish at the time!

How do I level up Emojis?
To level up your Emojis and make their powers stronger, you need to collect duplicate Emojis! Every Emoji starts at level 1 — when you collect duplicates of that Emoji, it will level up! For example, if you open a Gold Box and get Cinderella, you now have a level 1 Cinderella Emoji. If you open another Gold Box and get her again, your Cinderella Emoji will hit level 2!
Each level requires a different amount of duplicate Emojis, so keep collecting to make your Emojis even stronger. When your Emojis’ powers improve, you’ll get more coins, more items and powerups, and earn higher scores, so try and max out your levels for each Emoji you collect!
Use Lives to Play
Every time you play a game of Disney Emoji Blitz, you use one of your lives. These are the little hearts you see at the top left of your screen. You have 5 lives, and they regenerate every 10 minutes. When you hit the Play button, you’ll see the Boost screen, which will tell you if there are any Events going on right now. These are limited-time opportunities to play with or against cool Disney, Pixar and STAR WARSTM characters. Each event has a different way to play.
Are there other ways to get more Lives?
Yes absolutely! We have so many ways to stock up on Lives!
- You can win Lives off our Prize Wheel in the Store. Spins are free at first or you can watch ads for more. Emoji Lucy outlines this in a previous video!
- Your Weekly Prize Calendar may have Lives every now and then. Don’t forget to log in to collect! Emoji Lucy outlines this also in that same previous video!
- Sometimes we give away Lives on holidays or other occasions. We always notify you on our social channels and here on our website when there is a special giveaway going on!
- You can purchase extra Lives with Gems. Just click on the Lives in your top left corner to see the prices.
- Sometimes sales will pop up with Lives or Unlimited Lives to purchase.
- We also sometimes give away Lives on our YouTube or other social channels!

Collect Coins to Buy Emoji Boxes
While you’re playing, make matches to earn coins and score points. Don’t forget to use your Emoji’s power when it’s charged up, it’s often a great way to earn coins! At the end of the game, you can see how many coins you earned. Keep playing games to earn coins. Once you have 15,000 or 30,000, you can buy an Emoji Box! There are different types of boxes, and each one contains different Emojis. When you open a box, you’ll get a mystery Emoji as a prize.
What Emoji Box should I buy?
There are 5 different kinds of boxes you can buy with coins: Silver Box, Gold Box, and the three Series Boxes. Silver Boxes are great because they’re cheaper, but the Emojis max out at level 3. Gold Boxes are more expensive, but the Emojis go up to level 5. Series Boxes are like mini Gold Boxes, so if you’re after specific characters that used to be in the Gold Box, they’re perfect for that!
How do I collect the newest Emojis?
There are special kinds of boxes called Diamond Boxes that you can only get with gems. You can purchase gems in the Gem Shop. You can also earn gems by spinning the free prize wheel in the Shop. Keep your eyes peeled for sales on gems! Sometimes you’ll find free Giveaway prizes in the Shop too, so check back often!

What is Blitz Mode?
See that rainbow line below the board? That’s the Blitz bar! Once you match enough Emojis to fill it up, you enter Blitz Mode! For a short time, one Emoji type is removed from the board so it’s easier to create powerups. Blitz Mode also gives you +5 seconds, and bonus points from every Emoji you clear! The higher your mission level, the more bonus points you get!
What is your best strategy for getting the most out of Blitz Mode?
It’s important to make as many matches as you can in Blitz Mode. That way you buff your score and make tons of Lightnings, Sunshines and Rainbow Stars! And try to set off those powerups while you’re in Blitz Mode to make even more powerups!
In a our next How to Play video, Emoji Andy will play through a game of Disney Emoji Blitz and showing us how to make the most out of Blitz Mode!
Where can I find more resources as a new player?
I am happy to point you in the direction of our many resources that hopefully help you become the ultimate Blitzer!
- We have many more Player Guides on our website and we add more every month!
- Our YouTube Channel has monthly update videos that showcase what Events and Emojis are coming up! Mid-month you will find these kinds of videos on strategy and tips!
- Our Customer Service site has some basic How Tos as well as FAQs! That rhymed, how fun! 😜
- In-game, click on the Settings icon in the top left corner to bring up a menu with lots of helpful goodies as well!
💖 SUPER IMPORTANT TIP for all new players! Make sure to write down your “Support ID” that you see at the bottom of the Settings screen or Loading screen when booting up the game. This ID is how we find your information, so if you contact Customer Service for help or win a sweepstakes, that is the first thing we will ask you for. Definitely important to keep it somewhere easy for you to find and copy/paste when needed!
Thank you for reading! Until next time, Happy Blitzin’!
Emoji Jenny