Hey Blitzers! Earlier this year, we updated our Emoji Collection feature in addition to our Item Card Collection. That being said, I thought it would be good to do a quick tutorial on the Emoji Collection next!
What is the Emoji Collection?
In Disney Emoji Blitz, your main goal is to collect all the Disney, Pixar and Star Wars™ Emoijs and items. The Emoji Collection is a great visual feature showcasing all the Emojis, both collected and not collected. The Emojis are organized by Disney, Pixar or Star Wars story in their respective Boxes: Silver, Gold, Story, Rainbow and Villain.
You can also easily navigate to the Group Collections in the bottom right corner of the Emoji Collection. I will probably do a small blog just on those since there are a lot!
There are a couple buttons and icons specific to the Emoji Collection that I would like to discuss in detail with you below!
✅ Quick tip! When you are in the Emoji Collection, you can always tap on your equipped Emoji’s name or description box to jump to that Emoji in the collection! You can also tap the Emoji’s face to see all the fun expressions. I love doing this in particular. 😜

What are all the symbols by the Emoji’s name?
Let’s talk about everything you see at the top of the Emoji Collection by your selected Emoji.
- Score Value = This is the amount of points scored when you clear this Emoji. You can raise the Score Value by simply playing with the Emoji and by leveling the Emoji up.
- Description = This little blurb will give you the Emoji’s power as well as the story or fan moment that was used as inspiration for the Emoji’s power.
- Level = The number in the shield-like icon with lightning bolts on the sides is the current level for the Emoji’s special power. The Emoji’s power is super impactful the higher you level-up your Emoji.
- Duplicates = The bar next to the Level with the “# to go” is the amount of duplicates of the selected Emoji it will take to level-up the Emoji’s power.
You can tap on any of these in the Emoji Collection to bring up a mini-description of what it is.
✅ Quick tip! If you see a “!” bang in the bottom right corner of an Emoji, then that Emoji has recently been unlocked and is new to your collection!
How did the Emoji Collection change?
In April 2020, we made a few improvements to our Emoji Collection. The most noticeable I think is the “Recommended Emojis” section that now sits at the front as your default view. We will mainly be talking about that today since there are a lot of little tips and FAQs that I hope help!
Other changes made include the other buttons at the top that let you jump to a specific classification. If you tap on a box at the top, you can jump to that classification in the Emoji Collection.
- The first icon, the yellow star, is your “Recommended Emojis” section. Again, more on this later in the blog!
- The Silver Box jumps you to our Silver Emojis. You will find a lot of our classic Emojis here, some that date all the way back to our launch in 2016!
- The Gold Box jumps you to our Gold and Gold Exclusive Emojis. This is our largest category, containing new and old Emojis alike. Make sure to look in the top left corner for some sort of symbol to see if it is an “Exclusive” or not.
- The pink Story Box jumps you to our Story Exclusive Emojis, our newest category. The Story Exclusive Emojis are variants of Emojis that relate specifically to a point in their story. For example, my personal favorite Mrs. Nesbit is a variant of Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. The story moment is when Buzz went through an existential crisis, as I like to call it, finding out he is in fact a toy. Hannah, Sid’s younger sister, finds Buzz and turns him into Mrs. Nesbit to add to her tea party. Then Woody finds him and slaps Buzz with his own arm in order to snap him out of it. It’s a great moment. 🤣
- The Rainbow Box jumps you to our Rainbow Exclusive Emojis. What makes them “Rainbow” is a combination of their unique ties to the Disney universe as almost niche or deep fan favorites, special powers, and finally exclusivity. Most of the powers do something extra unique or powerful, making these the most premium Emojis in our Emoji Collection. The most common way to earn Rainbow Exclusive Emojis is in the Diamond Box during Events, so keep an eye out for them!
- The purple Villain Box jumps you to our Villain Exclusive Emojis. These are just what the name implies – our Villains from Disney, Pixar and Star Wars! We are constantly adding new ones here as well, usually through our limited-time Villain Events. Most of the time you can only earn Villain Emojis by completing their respective Villain Events, so keep an eye out on our schedule!
✅ Quick tip! “Exclusive” Emojis are the ones that you have to earn from somewhere exclusive, like a limited-time box only run during a certain event or as the main prize in a Group Collection. You will see a little symbol in the top left corner of the Emoji on the Emoji Collection screen. These represent where you can earn them.
- 💎 = Exclusive from a limited-time box
- Ⅰ, Ⅱ or Ⅲ = Some Gold Emojis can also be found in these Series boxes
- 🙂 = Exclusive from a Group Collection

What does “Recommended” mean?
Fifteen Emojis will appear in the Recommended screen under the following categories: Event, Item Card Collection, Mission, Recent and Featured.
- Event will show the Emojis that are best for the current event, including the current map you are working on!
- Item Card Collection will show the Emojis that are lucky for the current Item Card Collection you are working on.
- Mission will show the recommended Emojis for your current set of missions.
- Recent will show all the most recently used or collected Emojis.
- Featured is a constant rotation between random locked or unlocked Emojis.
You can see these by tapping the info button next to “Recommended Emojis”!
Please know that these are purely recommendations! Every player is different and has favorite Emojis to use, even on our team! I think I have mentioned it before, but my hands-down favorite to play with is Joy. I equip her for almost anything and everything! ☀️ Just as my game is my game, your game is your game. Please keep playing the way you’d like to and just use these recommendations if they are useful! 😁
How come I cannot see all those categories?
The max amount of Emojis we can show on the Recommended Emojis is 15. This means you may not always see all the above categories. It just depends on what you are working on at the time. For example, if 5 are under Event, 5 are under Item Card Collection, and 5 are under Mission, then you will not see any for Recent or Featured.
Also, if you only see Emojis that you have not yet collected, then the game could not find any collected Emojis in the categories. Recommended Emojis will always prioritize collected Emojis first, but only if applicable. Then it will move to the next most recommended Emojis.
✅ Quick tip! You can tap a locked Emoji to see what box the Emoji is in. This updates dynamically during events when the Emoji may be available in the Diamond Box. 💎
If you would like more info, our FAQ in-game as well as on our Customer Service site has a bit more to read up on. We will also be looking for more Player Guide content to post soon in our News!
Thank you for reading! Happy Blitzin’!
Emoji Jenny