Hey Blitzers! Today we’re here to talk about Quest Pass, a brand new feature coming to Disney Emoji Blitz on May 1! It’s a new option to get even more Blitz-tastic prizes every month! Chris, one of our UI/UX Designers, joined us in our latest YouTube video to explain how Quest Pass works. Check it out below!
Be sure to watch until the end for a chance to win a very special STAR WARS™ Emoji giveaway, and subscribe to keep up with future updates!
What is the Quest Pass?
Quest Pass is an additive experience to our monthly Token Quest. It is very similar to a “battle pass,” which you might know of from other games. It costs gems to purchase, and unlocks the following perks:
- A premium prize track! You’ll unlock new prizes to earn as you complete Token Quest (on top of the free prize track), making every milestone you reach extra rewarding.
- Choice Boxes! With Quest Pass, some Emoji Boxes on the free prize track are converted into Choice Boxes, which present two random Emojis from the pool of those available — you pick one of the two Emojis as your prize.
- Token bonuses! After you purchase Quest Pass, you’ll get bonus tokens whenever you earn them, helping you collect prizes faster.
You can purchase the Quest Pass at any time throughout the month, and you can retroactively claim prizes from tiers you already completed. However, since Quest Pass gives you bonus tokens every time you earn them, you will want to activate it early in the month to get the maximum possible tokens! Also, if you claim an Emoji Box before activating Quest Pass, you won’t get a Choice Box retroactively, but you’ll earn some extra coins!
Also note that each month there is a new Token Quest and therefore a new Quest Pass, so you will have to purchase the Quest Pass each month.

The Token Quest looks so different now!
My favorite part! Okay, maybe the Choice Box is my favorite…but this is a close second! I love the new retro, arcade look to match the “Tokens” that you earn! And it changes to match the new theme every month! Can’t you imagine just putting these cute, shiny Tokens into the machine and hearing fun little “dings” and seeing all the lights flash…ahhh yes I can see it now.
Where were we? 😜
How Does the Token Quest Work Now?
The Token Quest you know and love isn’t going anywhere!
You still earn tokens in missions, events, and other parts of the game to unlock prize tiers. The prizes still include Emoji Boxes, Items, Magic Wands, and more. This is the free prize track I mentioned earlier.
Quest Pass adds an additional prize track containing more of the above PLUS the new Choice Boxes. The premium prize track includes Chests (Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Item), Lives, and Unlimited Lives. Also, Quest Pass converts some of the Emoji Boxes on the free prize track into Choice Boxes, which are a totally new type of Box! More on that below!

What is a Choice Box?
A Choice Box is an Emoji Box that presents two random Emojis from the pool of those available. You pick one of the two Emojis as your prize. This is the first time ever in Disney Emoji Blitz that players can choose an Emoji prize, so I’m really excited to start opening these!
Quest Pass will be the only way to access Choice Boxes!

How do I claim Quest Pass prizes?
You have to claim prizes manually, but the game will remind you via…
- A claim button under each prize
- An icon on the Token Quest meter at the top of the screen
- Push notifications (if you have those enabled)
You will lose unclaimed prizes at the end of the month, so whatever your strategy, don’t miss out on those prizes!
By the way, if you need a refresher on turning on push notifications, just go to your Settings and press the Bell button on the top right. This will take you to the Push Notification settings on your phone!

Once again, the first Quest Pass will be going live on May 1! There will be a test going on, so some may have a slightly different experience. We appreciate your patience!
Thanks for reading! Keep an eye out on the News section of our Website for more!
Until next time, Happy Blitzin’!
Emoji Jenny