Hey Blitzers! I know you have questions about Missions and Levels in Disney Emoji Blitz, so I thought now would be a good time to do a walkthrough! Especially since we just launched Fairy Minnie as our Mission Level 500 Exclusive, I definitely want all of our players to know how to collect her!

What are Missions and Levels?
Let’s first talk about what Missions are. Missions are gameplay challenges that once completed help you level up. Some Missions can be completed in a single round, and others may take a bit longer. As you level up, difficulty will also go up.
The cool thing is that even if you are playing in an unrelated Event, what you do in any round has potential to count towards your Missions if applicable. For example, let’s say you have a Mission that says “Score 1,000,00 with a Gold Box Emoji.” You are playing the Hercules Survival Event using Megara, a Gold Box Emoji. As you play a round in the event, your score at the end will count towards this Mission as well since you are using a Gold Box Emoji.
What if a Mission is too difficult?
If a Mission is too difficult or you would like to skip it, you can “Swap” it out for 20 gems and it will give you an easier Mission. After you complete a certain number of Missions, you will level up! You can always see how many missions you need and what prize you will get once you level up by looking at the top progression bar. The prizes include boosts, coins, gems and even Emojis!
What else can I earn in completing Missions and Levels?
Other than getting prizes at each Level, there are several other important reasons to complete Missions. Every time you complete one single Mission, you also collect tokens towards for that month’s Token Quest. You can see some tokens fly up into the progression bar (the small one below your Coins) as you complete a Mission. This is the primary way to earn tokens, especially during non-event days.

Oh! For anyone who’s not familiar, we say “non-event game” to describe those rounds you play that are not tied to an event. You know, like if you were to turn an event off and play a regular round, or when there isn’t an event going on that day. Above is an example of what it looks like to turn an event off – notice that the Maleficent Villain Event is deselected so clicking “Play” here will start a non-event game. Missions and Levels are great goals for non-event days!
Also, at certain Levels you will get certain exclusive Emojis that can only be earned through leveling up. And they are…AMAZING. I love these Emojis and their powers soooo much! You may catch a glimpse of them every now and then when they turn one of your Missions “Magic”.

What are Magic Missions?
Magic Missions are a whole new feature we implemented a few releases ago where some of your Missions become “Magic Missions” for a limited time and give extra rewards for completion. They are only available on non-event days and you will get a push note when one becomes available! What’s nice is that you get LOTS AND LOTS of tokens for completing them before time runs out! So keep an eye out for them – they are hard to miss since they basically look like normal Missions but all purple and sparkly.
Okay, so now you know what Missions and Levels – what they are, how you level up and why you want to! If you would like more info, our FAQ in-game as well as on our Customer Service site has a bit more to read up on. We will also be looking for more Player Guide content to post soon in our News!
I certainly hope this helps! Thank you for reading!
Happy Blitzin’!
Emoji Jenny